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Neuromarketing Transformation: 5 Years of Neuromarketing Work & Research in One Program

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  1. Introduction

    What You'll Get Out of This Course
  2. Why I Made This Course
  3. Course Resources
  4. Step 1: Understand and Align with How The Brain Works
    How to Succeed Using This Course
  5. Introduction to This Section (0:32)
  6. Structure and Function of the Nervous System
    7 Topics
  7. "Your Brain Is Not an Onion with a Tiny Reptile Inside" - Cesario et. al (Short Read)
  8. Step 2: Speak the Brain’s Language
    Marketing to the Intuitive Mind: A Brief Introduction (3:13)
  9. Introduction to This Lesson (1:19)
  10. Marketing to the Intuitive Mind
    5 Topics
  11. Models of Neuromarketing
    14 Topics
  12. Step 3: Use an Integrated Neuromarketing Model
    Introduction to the Integrated Neuromarketing Model (4:21)
  13. The Iceberg Model
    8 Topics
  14. The NEURON Model
    6 Topics
  15. Wrapping Up This Lesson
    4 Topics
  16. Proprietary LLM Prompts for Neuromarketing (Use w/ ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, etc.)
    LLM Prompts for Neuromarketing Success
    5 Topics
  17. Power #1: Neurodesign [Coming Q4 2024]
    Principles of Neurodesign
    13 Topics
  18. Power #2: Useful Models from Psychology [Coming Q4 2024]
    Cognitive Ease & Cognitive Strain
  19. The Goal Gradient Effect
  20. Evaluative Conditioning
  21. The Six Minds of Experience
  22. The COM-B Model for Behavior Change
  23. Power #3: Neurobranding [Coming Q4 2024]
    Hebb's Law & Branding
  24. Operating Principles to Build a Brain First Brand
  25. Operating Principles to Build a Brain First Brand Part II
  26. Power #4: Neuropsychology Based Storytelling [Coming Q4 2024]
    The Neuropsychology Based Storytelling Framework
  27. Power #5: The Neuroscience of Demand Generation [Coming Q4 2024]
    Wants, Likes, Needs, and Goals
  28. Creating Hot Cognitions
  29. Reiss' 16 Desires
  30. Braeutigam & Kenning's 2 Motivators & 10 Sub-Motivators

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